Welcome to the Newenham Owner
and Builder Portal
To register for the Newenham Owner & Builder portal click here. To login please agree to the terms and conditions below.
Terms and Conditions
All care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained in this portal, however any and all information may change without notice. Burke Urban and its entities gives no warranty and makes no representation to the accuracy, sufficiency of detail or any other information contained within. All imagery is indicative only and should not be relied on as definitive reference.
All levels, location of services, crossovers, easements, light poles, tree plans and any other such information shown are reference to design only. All information is subject to change without notice. Future development areas are subject to further design and Council approval. All interested parties should make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves in all respects.
All information provided is indicative only and no responsibility is accepted by Burke Urban or its entities for any loss or damage caused by reliance on the information contained within. All information is offered without warranties and any reliance on the information is entirely at your own risk.
By clicking Agree, I declare that I have read, understood and accept the above terms and conditions.